High Test Decathlon 2023

Online registration

Terms and conditions of registration


I have decided to reserve products offered by DECATHLON/Wedze (DECATHLON SA, RCS LILLE METROPOLE N° 306 138 900, 4 Boulevard de Mons, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq) for the test period in normal use defined on the website, and I acknowledge that I independently test, as part of my sporting activities, the Products made available by DECATHLON. As this test is performed with my full consent, I declare:

0. Be of legal age, and, in the event that I am a minor, have the authorization of my legal representatives, formalized as a minimum in the following manner:

  • on the day of the test I should present myself with these general test conditions printed, signed and dated by my legal representatives
  • (a) with a photocopy of their identity cards and a telephone number so that I can contact them if I am over 16 years old,
  • or (b) the physical presence of at least one legal representative on the day the product to be tested is made available and for support during the test if I am under 16 years of age,
  • otherwise, the product cannot be made available to me for the test and the test will be cancelled.

1. Test, under my sole responsibility and that of my legal representatives if necessary, especially if I am a minor, the products according to my availability, during my free time and without any link with my possible employment at DECATHLON.

2. Go to the test site with my own means and under my own responsibility. The location and time of the tests are specified at the time of registration, accessible under the following link: http://hightestdecathlon.com/high-test

3. To be physically able to carry out my sporting activities, to be holder of a personal civil liability insurance and therefore to release DECATHLON from any responsibility as for my free leisure activities and not supervised by DECATHLON.

4. Comply with basic safety rules and instructions on the normal use of the Products.

5. Have had the opportunity to ask questions about the use of the products and have understood the answers and information provided to me.

6. Agree to return the products and questionnaires at the end of the test.

7. Agree that the data recorded during this test may be processed electronically. I am informed that in accordance with the "Data Protection Act", I may exercise my right of access and rectification of my personal data by contacting DECATHLON's registered office. I agree not to restrict the use that will be made of the test results and in particular, I agree that these results may be disclosed worldwide (including my comments at the end of the test which may be used to improve current or future products and published, in accordance with this agreement and in particular point 10 below, including on DECATHLON websites in a specific part of the notice following the test on User/Customer Notices Online)

8. Agree not to be compensated for this test performed voluntarily and freely.

9. Be informed that I am free to withdraw from the test at any time, without conditions.

10. Provide, in the custody of the products and any equipment provided by DECATHLON, all necessary care, therefore bearing all risks of theft, loss or voluntary damage of the equipment handed over.

11. To transfer, free of charge and exclusively to DECATHLON, all intellectual property rights (including copyright including reproduction and representation rights), for the whole world, the complete term of protection, on all known and future media, including communication, product, internet, relating to comments, ideas or articles on the Products that I will transmit.

12. Photos and videos taken "on the spot" can be taken during this test, I authorize DECATHLON and the partners they have authorized for this purpose, to use the images on which I can be recognizable for the whole world, any support, all purposes, including advertising and commercial, for an initial minimum period of five (5) years, tacitly renewable for each identical period, unless I terminate a written renewal with DECATHLON before the end of the initial period, or each renewed period. However, I have the possibility of refusing to allow images, on which I would be recognizable, to be used, by wearing in a very visible manner throughout the test the "neck strap" of the specific colour provided for this purpose when I make the product available for testing, which will allow DECATHLON not to select this type of image (s) for possible use.

13. Guarantee the confidentiality of the information that will be brought to my attention, that this information concerns the Products, the organizational strategies, the commercial policy of the DECATHLON Group, it being specified that all information relating to the Products tested, as well as the results of these tests, are considered as confidential information, without this list being exhaustive. This clause shall remain in force until such time as the information has become public knowledge.